Be As You Are (Ramana Maharshi/David Godman)

Great Introduction to Ramana Maharshi’s Teachings

[My 5-star Amazon review (January 24, 2013) of “Be As You Are: The Spiritual Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi” by Ramana Maharshi/David Godman.]

David Godman’s “Be As You Are” is an outstanding, well-organized introduction to the spiritual teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi (1879-1950), India’s greatest twentieth-century guru. If you find that Maharshi’s teachings (which focus on realizing Who, or What, you truly are) resonate with you, then continue your study of his Dharma with Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, Sri Ramana Gita, and Sat-Darshana Bhashya and Talks with Maharshi. These books and many other fine ones pertaining to Ramana Maharshi are available at

I am an expert in Eastern spirituality, having devoted the past forty years of my life to studying and practicing it, and I say that if there is one guru every serious spiritual seeker must read, it is Ramana Maharshi. And Be As You Are is a great first book to begin your reading with.