Pratyabhijnahrdayam (Jaideva Singh)

Must-Reading for Serious Students of Esoteric Spirituality

[My 5-star Amazon review (NDA) of “Pratabhijnahrdayam: The Secret of Self-Recognition” by Jaideva Singh.]

This canonical Kashmir Shavism text is “must” reading for serious students of esoteric spirituality. First, it describes the cosmogonic process--the process of manifestation whereby Consciousness coagulates into energy and matter—on a level exceeding any other text I’ve encountered. According to Pratyabhijnahrdayam (“The Doctrine of Recognition”), this coagulation, or crystallization and constriction, occurs through thirty-six hierarchically, or progressively stepped-down, constituent principles (“tattvas”). From the standpoint of humans, the end result of this emanational process is self-contraction, the imprisonment and shrinkage of one’s consciousness—and the goal of Kashmir Shaivism Yoga is to free, or infinitely expand, one’s bound consciousness.

According to Pratyabhijnahrdayam, what’s necessary to free one’s contracted consciousness is the recognition of one’s True Nature as Siva, Supreme All-Pervading Consciousness. But in order to achieve this recognition, or recovery, of one’s True Nature, Grace is necessary—and Grace is the descent of Divine Power (Shaktipat), which is the same Power, or Light-energy, as the Holy Spirit.

If you’re interested in “Cosmic Drama,” the terrible and tragic imprisonment of human consciousness and its heroic attempt to free itself via Spirit Power, I trust that you’ll find this text an enthralling read.

[Note: The best version of this text (because it is edited by Paul-Muller Ortega) is entitled “The Doctrine of Recognition. Although it is out of print, ebooks (some for free) can be found online.]