The Trinity (Dr. Chuck Missler)

The Mystery of this Book

[My 1-star Amazon review (NDA) of “The Trinity: The Mystery of the Godhead” by Dr. Chuck Missler.]

The real mystery isn’t the Godhead; it’s why this mini-book was even written. Author Chuck Missler doesn’t have a clue regarding the Trinity.

I read this mini-book in about twenty minutes, and encountered nothing interesting or enlightening about the Trinity. The author is a conventional Christian with no penetrating insights into Trinitarianism, and he simply gropes, providing nothing substantive or noteworthy regarding the Godhead. He provides irrelevant quotes from the Bible that fail to shed any light on the Trinity.

I bought this text at the same time as I downloaded the free Kindle version of R.C Sproul’s “What is the Trinity” (see my five-star review).” Sproul is also a conventional Christian, but unlike Missler, he packs educational and insightful information into his exegesis of the Trinity.