The Philosophy of Sadhana (Deba Brata SenSharma)

Outstanding Introduction to Kashmir Shaivism

[My 5-star Amazon review (NDA) of The Philosophy of Sadhana: With Special Reference to the Trika Philosophy of Kashmir” by Deba Brata SenSharma.]

“The Philosophy of Sadhana” is a wonderful introduction to the Hindu yogic tradition of Kashmir Shaivism and the function of Shaktipat (The descent of Divine Power) in the spiritual en-Light-enment process. Shakti is a synonym for the Christian Holy Spirit and the Buddhist Sambhogakaya, and both Christian mystics and Vajrayana Buddhists will glean insights from this text that will help them to better understand and practice their own tradition.

The tap root of all the major religions is yoga--and the highest form of yoga is Divine yoga: uniting one’s soul (or consciousness) with universal Spirit, Shakti. This text points out the limitations of Raja and Jnana yoga, and explains that only Mother Shakti, Divine Power, can sever an individual’s knot of karma and free him from his bondage (or self-contraction).

I’ve read numerous Kashmir Shaivism texts, and this one is my favorite.