The One Thing Is Three (Michael Gaitley)

Unfocused, Exoteric Sermon on the Trinity

[My 1-star Amazon review (NDA) of “The One Thing is Three: How the Most Holy Trinity Explains Everything” by Michael Gaitley.]

If you’re interested in a flat, parochial, exoteric, rambling, beside-the-point discourse on the Trinity, then this book could be for you. But for the Christian cognoscenti, those who grok the Trinity and true, or mystical, Christianity, it will prove to be a long-winded waste of time, an overly-wordy work that focuses on pushing conventional Catholicism (and the Catholic Church), and only peripherally, and superficially, considers the Trinity.

The subtitle of the text – “How the Most Holy Trinity Explains Everything” -- is a joke, because this book not only doesn’t “explain everything,” it hardly explains anything relative to deep, or esoteric, Christianity.

The author writes, “So when we receive Jesus in the Eucharist, the whole Trinity comes into our hearts.” This is nonsense. The Eucharist is about receiving the Holy Spirit (Blessing/Blissing Clear-Light Energy, or Divine Power) into our Sacred Heart-centers, whereby our souls (“contracted Sons”) unite with it and awaken as de-contracted Sons (or Christs).

If you’re interested in learning about the true, or mystical, Trinity you will be sorely disappointed in what this book has to offer, and my suggestion to you is to look elsewhere for demystifying exegesis on this subject matter.