The Master Game: Pathways to Higher Consciousness (Robert de Ropp)

An Exoteric, One-Dimensional Guide to Awakening

[My three-star Amazon review (February 14, 2013) of  The Master Game: Pathways to Higher Consciousness by Robert de Ropp.]

I read Robert de Ropp's The Master Game forty-plus years ago, when I was just beginning my search for Truth. Now, as an expert in, and teacher of, the "Master Game," I look back at it as just a superficial one-dimensional Gurdjieff-Ouspensky spinoff.

In order to grok the Master Game in toto, from all angles, I devoted my life to studying and practicing the foremost spiritual traditions--Hindu Advaita Vedanta and Kashmir Shaivism; Zen and Tibetan Buddhism (Mahmamuda and Dzogchen); Christian Hermeticism and the Jewish Kabbalah; and the iconoclastic spiritual teachers J. Krishnamurti and Adi Da Samraj (a.k.a. Franklin Jones, Bubba Free, et al.). I also became a professional astrologer, so I could understand human karma--my own and others.'

I will summarize the essence of what I have learned: You cannot achieve Self-realization, or en-Light-enment, through gnostic self-observation until your "witnessing presence" has been empowered (or "blessed") by Light-energy from above. This Light-energy--called Shakti in Hinduism, the Sambhogakaya in Buddhism, and the Holy Spirit in Christianity--is the true "power of Now"--and until it unites with your witnessing presence, you cannot awaken as a free Soul, or Master. This union of Divine Light-energy (Shakti or Spirit) with your witnessing presence (Siva or Soul) is Divine Yoga, and when this union, or "holy marriage" takes place, you'll awaken as a Buddha, Christ, or Master. For full details on this esoteric process, which transcends the respective Dharmas of Gurdjieff, Ouspensky, and De Ropp, check out the text Beyond the Power of Now: A Guide to, and beyond, Eckhart Tolle's Teachings.