The Seven Laws of Spiritual Success (Deepak Chopra)

New Age Drivel by Deepak

[My one-star Amazon review (January) 23, 2013 of  "The Seven Laws of Spiritual Success" by Deepak Chopra.]

Deepak Chopra's The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success is proof that the more you dumb down (and thus distort) Eastern spirituality, making it palatable for the clueless masses, the more books you can sell. Chopra has the formula down pat--reducing real Spirit-communion to "psychologized" feel-good mumbo-jumbo tied together with the ever-marketable concept of "success."

The seven spiritual "laws" of success that Chopra identifies are hardly immutable universal laws; they are merely his idea of what produces "success." When Thomas Edison was asked the secret to success, he replied, "1% inspiration and 99% perspiration." If Edison were alive today, and someone asked him the key to success in the New Age spiritual market, he'd probably observe the popularity of Eckhart Tolle and Deepak Chopra and reduce it to one law: Get Oprah to push your teaching.